Wednesday 11 November 2015

Dependency theory

I primarily use the media for entertainment as I'm always streaming movies and downloading games. I think movies are one of the biggest part of media and being able to access them anywhere makes it easy to view. I would say I'm becoming dependent on their being films available as they could help with everyday life choices as they are made to be quite realistic. I sometimes use the media in order to access information to help with studies but I primarily use it for entertainment.

To a large extent I do think we have become so dependent and addicted with the media. We wouldn't be able to live long without checking the news around the world or what's happening in our own country. Especially in modern times we are becoming overly dependent on the media as it so easily accessible as we are able to access it on nearly every device that has an internet connection.

Maybe in the late 20th century the media wasn't so heavily used, for example not everyone owned a T.V but televisions are more of a modern way of portraying the media and a lot of  people in the 80's relied heavily on newspapers and radio. The media also seems to influence people depending on what the type of media believes in.

The article does link to the dependency theory as young people have grown up with this growing media outlet and have been exposed to vast amounts of other peoples opinions. Although the media may be considered to influential it is a great source to use but I do believe we have become to reliant on it which is not a good thing.

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