Friday 6 November 2015

Audience H/W

  1. Read this Mail Online article about the effects of videogames. How does this article link to the hypodermic needle model?
This article links to the hypodermic needle model because the researchers into this made the people play either a violent video game such as call of duty (a first person shooter) or a calm racing game. The repeated playing of these games for 20 minutes every day for three consecutive days would like a needle inject good or bad information into us which could cause a negative effect.
      2. How does coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case link to the hypodermic needle model? Why might someone criticise this front page? 

The Daily Mail are feeding information to the public and because they use their own headlines they can make it say whatever and people are most likely going to believe them. Looking at the front page you may criticise the Daily Mail as they were quick to place the blame on violent video games for his actions. This links to the hypodermic needle model because the media is once again trying to change the way people perceive violent video games such as the Call of duty franchise. Also the Daily Mail failed to mention on the front page that he suffered with various learning difficulties which could have also of been a factor contributing to his hacking of Talk Talk.

Two-step flow model

1) Summarise the two-step flow model. In your opinion, is the two-step flow theory still relevant today?

The  two-step flow model was first used to show how political parties had so much influence over the media which allowed them so spread their cause. Mostly it is people opinions that it criticised as people were dubbed "opinion followers". The two-step theory refined the ability to predict how media messages influence audience behavior and explains why certain media campaigns do not alter audiences’ attitudes 

2) How does this YouTube blogger fit into the two-step flow model?
This YouTube blogger provides people with first impressions of games and other media content. This spreading of opinion then influences the audience and they may then adopt his way of thinking, so like the  two-step flow model this blogger would be classed as an opinion leader.

3) How this this Telegraph article on influential tweeters fit the two-step flow model?
The people from twitter had a large audience as they had lots of followers they are able to influence a lot of people. They are also able to share their opinions making them opinion leaders.

4) Read this BBC profile of Jamal Edwards. How does Jamal Edwards link to the two-step flow model?
Jamal Edwards could be seen to be an opinion leader as he tells people to not give up on their dreams. As he is audience is quite young and impressionable they could see Jamal as an opinion leader showing that he does influence his audience.

Uses and Gratifications theory

  1. Diversion
Adventure time is an animated TV show that could link to diversion as it is pure entertainment and comical. It takes you away from the burdens of this world and makes you imagine another
Image result for adventure time

  1. Personal relationships

Mr Robot is a show in which you can develop and emotional connection with a character. In this case the protagonist Elliot is the one in which you develop a relationship with and would be worried about his character.
Image result for mr robot

  1. Personal identity 
Reality TV shows like the only way is Essex could be quite relatable to some people and they may feel as though they share the same morals and values as the people in the show.
Image result for the only way is essex

  1. Surveillance 
  2. ITV news would fit under surveillience as it attracts audiences that are interested in weather, news etc... It is also good for useful for living as their is many ways that the ITV news can be accsessed, for example on TV, phones and tablets.
  3. Image result for ITV news

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