Thursday 1 October 2015

Media Presentations

Research Sony Vivendi viacom 

 Our presentation was on News Corporation ( find the PP at

WWW: Good starter and Q&A
               Current Info
               Good on politics/ phone hacking
    EBI: Some inaccurate information on my space 
             Needs to be longer and more detailed
             Could name some other subsidaries

  The Guardian 
This institution was founded by John Taylor in the 1800's, the main reason for its creation was because of the Peterloo massacres. It used to be only published one day a week but now is published everyday. It had one of the highest qualities of print available so this improved sales and made it more popular. It also has one of the best national/international apps and websites.

The BBC is primarily based on reithian  values, educate, inform and entertain, these values were set by the first manager of the BBC John Reith. The BBC is known as a public service broadcaster PBS, it is the UK's national channel that everyone; by law has to pay for (through TV licences). However, it does invest back into the local communities all across the country, this involves setting up opportunities for youth. Part of its large success in the UK is because of its informational weather channel, many people seem to be fond of it.

A group of people founded twitter in 2006, however Jack Dorsey is probably one of the most notorious. In recent months twitters growth has slowed down an other social network apps like Instagram has now overtook it with active users. Despite this, Twitter seems to be still one of the most influential social media as tweets tend to spark debates and news stories. It has also expanded its subsidiaries in order to create a synergy between them, they've brought Vine and have a partnership with popular advertising companies.

The founder of this iconic institution is Walter Disney, he created famous characters such as Mickey Mouse. The Disney company is mainly known for film production and more recently animations. The company is estimated to be worth approximately $5 billion, these high profits and revenues also come from one of its many subsidiaries. Disney is one of the worlds largest conglomerates as it owns and has shares in many companies. Disney use to have a partnership with the animation studios Pixar in the early 2000's, they brought us some of the most iconic films including Toy Story. 

ITV is commercially paid for and is free to watch for the UK public. They generate large revenues through advertisements from other companies. The channel first launched in 1995 and was one of free available on Television. It started an on demand/ catch up service which was also free to use, because of this innovation ITV became even more popular and was then able to host more spectacular shows. It also has many other TV channels including ITV 2,3,4 and ITV 1+1.


Sony was founded post World War 2 in Tokyo Japan. It started out as en electrical store, then started expanding in the mid 1980's. Its growth spiked and managed to purchase large media institutions such as Columbia Pictures and CBS Records. It is also known for introducing Sony Pictures, a venture that is still around today and it introduced new technology to the world including Optical disks. In the early 90's Sony was at the for front of technological advancements, however more recently they're struggling to find more unique and innovative ideas. Sony do still own other subsidiaries which allows them to use synergy between there companies.


Vivendi is a French multinational mass media company, its headquarters are based in Paris, France. Its most commonly knows for its mass media productions including Music publishing, film production, publishing, pay TV, tickets, TV broadcasting and video hosting services. It also holds shares in Dailymotion, which allows users to share the latest music videos and popular social media. Vivendi never started out as a mass media conglomerate as it was originally a water maintenance firm that worked around Paris and Lyon. Vivendi also suffered a $23 billion dollar loss in 2001, however this situation is resolved and Vivendi is still one of Frances top media producers.

Viacom is short for Video and Audio communications. This institution main purpose is providing cable Television, broadcasting and radio. It is also a parent company to some other major media outlets including Paramount pictures whom are responsible some of the greatest films.It is one of the most influential institutions as does own kid cartoon broadcasters such as Nickelodeon's and comedy central. It has also recently brought out channel 5 which broadcasts to UK viewers.

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